
Legal Assistance Office

Marine Corps Air Station Yuma
Yuma, Arizona

The mission of the MCAS Yuma Detention Facility is to provide the Provost Marshal’s Office with the capability to temporary detain individuals suspected of or having actually committed an offense.

Established in 2024, after the disestablishment of the Marine Corps Air Station Yuma Brig, the Assistant Deputy Commandant, Installations and Logistics (Facilities), redesignated the Level I Marine Corps Military Correctional Facility (MCF) aboard MCAS Yuma to a Detention Facility, enabling the Provost Marshals Office to support holding cell and detention space capabilities. Currently, this includes the temporary detention of individuals suspected of or having actually committed an offense.

Marine Corps Air Station Yuma no longer has the capability to confine individuals aboard the installation. Commanders who deem confinement necessary for an individual can contact the MCAS Yuma Detention Facility.

Please contact us at (928) 269-2881 or at our email address,

Commands must have qualified escorts to move both pre-trial and post-trial prisoners. To be qualified, personnel must meet screening criteria, attend a one-day Escort Chaser Class and pass a written proficiency test. Successful completion will result in the issuance of an Escort Identification Card (NAVPERS 1640/18). (CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FORM) The certification is good for one year.

Escort classes will be conducted on a quarterly basis at the Sonoran Pueblo. Escort Classes are normally scheduled on the first week of the first month, every quarter. In order to attend the escort class, units are required to send a signed copy of the pre-screening letter via e-mail to the Detention Facility Training Staff. The class begins promptly at 0730. Attendees who show up after 0800 will be turned away. Please send all nomination forms to For any questions or concerns please contact the brig at X2881. The scheduled class dates in 2024 include the following:

January 11, 2024

April 10, 2024

July 10, 2024

October 11, 2024



Marine Corps Air Station Yuma