
Cultural Resources
Marine Corps Air Station Yuma
Yuma, Arizona

The BMGR West encompasses approximately 700,000 acres. Range activities within the BMGR
West are managed by the Range Management Department (RMD) at MCAS Yuma, and cultural
resources stewardship is managed through the MCAS Yuma Cultural Resources Management

There are three overarching cultural resources management goals: (1) support military operations through proactive management of cultural resources; (2) fulfill legal obligations for the protection of historic properties; and (3) address Native American concerns, including disposition of cultural items.

United States Customs and Border Protection on the BMGR-W
The southern boundary of the westernmost portion of the BMGR West includes approximately 37 miles of the international border between the United States and Mexico. Activities involving the smuggling of people, drugs, or other contraband occur on the BMGR West. Two CBP jurisdictional sectors, the Tucson and Yuma sectors, are responsible for the entire Arizona-Mexico border, with the latter covering the BMGR West through the Wellton and Yuma stations.

MCAS Yuma has had a series of discussions and formal meetings between the MCAS Yuma CO and the CBP Yuma Sector Chief and between the MCAS Yuma Conservation staff and CBP Yuma Sector Public Lands Liaison. MCAS Yuma has also entered into an MOU regarding CBP’s action on the range to prevent or minimize the impact to cultural and natural resources.

(Extracted From: BGRW ICRMP Part III, 2019)

Archaeological investigations have taken place on the CMAGR since the early twentieth century. Approximately 77,804 acres have been subject to archaeological survey, which is seventeen
percent of the total 460,000-acre area of the CMAGR. Presently, all cultural resources documented
on the CMAGR are archaeological. The Chocolate Mountain Archaeological District was
established in the southern area of the CMAGR in 1973. Many of these cultural resources are
prehistoric in origin, but examples of historical-period archeological sites are also common.

Native American cultural resources include:
• Cremations/Human Remains
• Trails
• Lithic Scatters and Flaking Stations
• Ceramic Scatters and Pot Drops
• Cleared Circles
• Rock Rings
• Prehistoric Cairns
• Habitation Sites
• Petroglyphs (Rock Art)
• Ground Figures – Geoglyphs, Intaglios, and Rock Alignments

Historical cultural resources present on the CMAGR include:
• Transportation Routes
• Camps
• Military (WWII)
• Military (Post -WWII)
• Water Works
• Mining Prospects
• Mines
• Cairns
• Rock Features
• Ranching Complexes

(Extracted From: CMAGR ICRMP, 2021)

Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (ICRMP)

BMGR ICRMP Part 1 - 2009 (5.2 MB)
BMGRW ICRMP Part III - 2019 (18.2 MB)

CMAGR ICRMP Vol 1 - 2021 (7.9 MB)
CMAGR ICRMP Vol 2 - 2021 (34.1 MB)

Marine Corps Air Station Yuma