MCAS Yuma Chaplain offer counseling, religious ministries and related services to victims & witnesses upon request.
(928) 269-2371/3454
Legal Assistance
The MCAS Yuma Legal Assistance office provides crime victims and witnesses information regarding their rights under the Victim Witness Assistance Program and applicable law and regulation.
(928) 269-3586/2481
Prosecution/Trial Services Office
The MCAS Yuma Legal Services Support Detachment provides legal advice and support to all MCAS Yuma tenant commands in the prosecution of Marines and sailors in general, special, and summary courts-martial. Rights and services afforded by the military justice office to victims and witnesses during the criminal trial process include: the right to be present at all public court proceedings, the right to be contacted about the proposed dismissal of any and all charges, the right to be consulted on decisions not to prosecute, the right to be contacted regarding the proposed terms of any negotiated plea, and the right to be notified of the acceptance of a guilty plea, or any conviction, sentencing and imprisonment of the accused.
(928) 269-3483
MCAS Yuma Criminal Investigation and Law Enforcement
NCIS, CID, and PMO provide investigative services for criminal offenses. Criminal investigators and law enforcement personnel are responsible for providing victims and witnesses of crimes with the initial information under the VWAP and ensuring they have points of contact for all available services and assistance under the VWAP.
NCIS (928) 269-2305
CID (928) 269-2362/6000
PMO (928) 269-3128
Victim Advocacy Support Program
Yuma’s Victim Advocates respond to sexual assault and domestic violence incidences 24/7 by providing supportive and advocacy services for the victim. For more information and help call (928) 269-5256. Hours are: Mon - Fri: 7am - 4pm. Holidays and weekends after 4pm (928) 941-3650.
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator
Ms. Claudia Orozco, as the SARC, coordinates all the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) activities about MCAS Yuma and is a point of contact for victims of sexual assault.
Work (928) 269-2994
Cell (928) 210-3027
24-hour Sexual Assault Hotline (928) 941-3601
Correctional Facilities (Brigs)
Military brigs house inmates before, during, and after the trial. An accused servicemember placed in pretrial confinement, or sentenced to 30 days or less of confinement is housed at the MCAS Yuma Brig. Post-trial inmates will be sent to MCAS Miramar. As a victim or a witness, upon request you will be afforded the right to receive notifications regarding changes in the status of an inmate including: release, parole, transfer, and death.
MCAS Yuma – (928) 269-2881
MCAS Miramar – (858) 577-7069
MCAS Yuma’s medical clinic provides medical services for military personnel and dependents.
(928) 269-2700