

Marine Corps Installations West
Yuma, Arizona

MCAS Yuma’s Victim and Witness Assistance Program (VWAP) is designed to ensure victims and witnesses of crime are treated with fairness and dignity and are afforded their rights throughout the criminal justice process – from the first report of a crime through any period of confinement adjudged by a court-martial.

The Marine Corps VWAP instruction is MCO 5800.14: MCO 5800_14 VWAP.pdf


1. To be treated with fairness and respect for the victim’s dignity and privacy.

2. To be reasonable protected from the accused.

3. To be notified of any decision to dispose of an alleged offense at court-martial, NJP, or admin separation proceedings.

4. To be present at all public court-martial, NJP, and admin separation proceedings, unless the court or legal advisor, after receiving clear and convincing evidence, determines that testimony by the victim would be materially altered if the victim head other testimony at that proceeding. This right does not obligate the government to pay for expenses incurred by the victim to be present.

5. To be reasonably heard at any public involving release, plea, sentencing, or parole of the accused. This right does not obligate the government to pay for expenses incurred by the victim to be present.

6. To confer with the attorney for the government in the case.

7. To receive information about the conviction, sentence, confinement, and release of the accused.

8. To be notified of the apprehension of an accused, the initial appearance of an accused before a military judge, the release of the accused pending court-martial, any escape of the accused, and the time and location of any trial, NJP, or admin separation proceedings (including entry of guilty pleas and sentencing).

9. To proceedings free from unreasonable delay.

10. To receive available restitution.


1. To be treated with fairness and respect for the witness’s dignity and privacy.

2. To be reasonable protected from the accused.

3. To be notified of any decision to dispose of an alleged offense at court-martial, NJP, or admin separation proceedings.

4. To be provided information about the resolution of the case to include admin separation decision, any punishment awarded to the offender, sentencing, imprisonment and release of the offender, if confined.

5. To be notified of the apprehension of an accused, the initial appearance of an accused before a military judge, the release of the accused pending court-martial, any escape of the accused, and the time and location of any trial, NJP, or admin separation proceedings (including entry of guilty pleas and sentencing).


1st Lt Ian Labatut, USMC, is the Victim and Witness Liaison Officer (VWLO) for MCAS Yuma and acts as the Commanding Officer, MCAS Yuma's manager for the VWAP Program aboard the air station. In that capacity, 1st Lt Labatut chairs the VWAP Council, manages and maintains a list of all unit Victim Witness Assistance Coordinators and other base Victim Witness Representatives, provides liaison with local civilian services for victims of crime, tracks all services provided and is the central point of contact for the base program.

Pursuant to Marine Corps Directives, each office or agency which provides services to victims and witnesses (see list below) appoints a Victim Witness Assistance Representative and each unit (Battalion and Squadron level and above) appoints a Victim Witness Assistance Coordinator (VWAC). The VWAC and other representatives are responsible for that unit or office's part of the base VWAP.

1st Lt Labatut can be contacted at (928) 269-3408 or


MCAS Yuma Chaplain offer counseling, religious ministries and related services to victims & witnesses upon request.
(928) 269-2371/3454

Legal Assistance
The MCAS Yuma Legal Assistance office provides crime victims and witnesses information regarding their rights under the Victim Witness Assistance Program and applicable law and regulation.
(928) 269-3586/2481

Prosecution/Trial Services Office
The MCAS Yuma Legal Services Support Detachment provides legal advice and support to all MCAS Yuma tenant commands in the prosecution of Marines and sailors in general, special, and summary courts-martial. Rights and services afforded by the military justice office to victims and witnesses during the criminal trial process include: the right to be present at all public court proceedings, the right to be contacted about the proposed dismissal of any and all charges, the right to be consulted on decisions not to prosecute, the right to be contacted regarding the proposed terms of any negotiated plea, and the right to be notified of the acceptance of a guilty plea, or any conviction, sentencing and imprisonment of the accused.
(928) 269-3483

MCAS Yuma Criminal Investigation and Law Enforcement
NCIS, CID, and PMO provide investigative services for criminal offenses. Criminal investigators and law enforcement personnel are responsible for providing victims and witnesses of crimes with the initial information under the VWAP and ensuring they have points of contact for all available services and assistance under the VWAP.
NCIS (928) 269-2305
CID (928) 269-2362/6000
PMO (928) 269-3128

Victim Advocacy Support Program
Yuma’s Victim Advocates respond to sexual assault and domestic violence incidences 24/7 by providing supportive and advocacy services for the victim. For more information and help call (928) 269-5256. Hours are: Mon - Fri: 7am - 4pm. Holidays and weekends after 4pm (928) 941-3650.

Sexual Assault Response Coordinator
Ms. Claudia Orozco, as the SARC, coordinates all the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) activities about MCAS Yuma and is a point of contact for victims of sexual assault.
Work (928) 269-2994
Cell (928) 210-3027
24-hour Sexual Assault Hotline (928) 941-3601

Correctional Facilities (Brigs)
Military brigs house inmates before, during, and after the trial. An accused servicemember placed in pretrial confinement, or sentenced to 30 days or less of confinement is housed at the MCAS Yuma Brig. Post-trial inmates will be sent to MCAS Miramar. As a victim or a witness, upon request you will be afforded the right to receive notifications regarding changes in the status of an inmate including: release, parole, transfer, and death.
MCAS Yuma – (928) 269-2881
MCAS Miramar – (858) 577-7069

MCAS Yuma’s medical clinic provides medical services for military personnel and dependents.
(928) 269-2700


Information Resources 24 Hour Information and Referral
602-263-8900, 1-800-799-7739

Yuma Police Department

Yuma County Sheriff’s Office

Crime Victim Compensation Program
National Association of Crime Victim Compensation Boards 703-780-3200
Yuma County Attorney’s Office 928-817-4300

Domestic Violence – Abuse Crisis Counseling
AZ Child Abuse or Neglect Hotline (CPS)
1-888-SOS-CHILD (767-2445)

Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Boys Town National Hotline (24 Hours) 1-800-448-3000
Casa de Yuma (Sexual Assault Hotline) 928-782-7273
MCAS Family Advocacy Program 928-269-2561
National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Amberly’s Place 928-373-0849

Legal Services
Victim Rights and Witness Assist Program – AZ State Attorney General

Orders of Protection/Injunctions Against Harassment
San Luis Municipal Court 928-627-8052, Ext 18
Wellton Municipal Court 928-785-3348
Yuma Municipal Court 928-373-4800
Somerton Municipal Court 928-627-2722

Sexual Abuse Counseling
Amberly’s Place 928-373-0849
Childhelp USA (Scottsdale) 480-922-8212
Coalition to End Arizona Sexual Exploitation (Phoenix)
MCAS Yuma Victim Advocate Services
928-269-5612, 928-941-3650 (emergency number)


Victim Services
Office of Victim Services – AZ State Attorney General
Yuma County Attorney Victim Witness Program
Amberly’s Place 928-373-0849
Safe House Shelter 928-782-0044


A Unit VWAC is the command’s primary point of contact for victim and witness assistance matters. In conjunction with the VWLO, VWACs coordinate victim and witness assistance matters within their unit. Victims and witnesses should not hesitate to contact their unit’s VWAC for more information, assistance, or to help get in contact with victim and witness assistance services.

MCAS YUMA SJA (928) 269-3484
MCAS YUMA VWLO (928) 269-3408
H&HS (928) 269-6013
MAG-13 (928) 269-3386
MALS-13 (928) 269-2853
VMFA-211 (928) 269-6516
VMA-214 (928) 269-2827
VMA-311 (928) 269-2338
VMX-1 (928) 269-6759
MACS-1 (928) 269-3905
MWSS-371 (928) 269-3407
MAWTS-1 (928) 269-2060
VMFA-122 (928) 269-8727
VMFT-401 (928) 269-5502
VMU-1 (928) 269-7448
CLC-16 (928) 269-5374
PMO/CID (928) 269-6370
BRIG (928) 269-2850
NCIS (928) 269-3155
SARC (928) 269-2994
FAP MANAGER (928) 269-2561
FAP VA (928) 269-2561
SAPR (928) 269-2990
CHAPLAIN (928) 269-2371
TRIAL COUNSEL (928) 269-3483
LEGAL ASSISTANCE (928) 269-2802 

Marine Corps Air Station Yuma