
Press Releases

November 15 Press Release: 23-15 MCAS Yuma Marines Help Rescue Lost Hiker

October 12 Press Release: 22-15 WTI Conducts NEO at Kiwanis Park

October 9 Press Release: 21-15 MCAS Yuma Introduces Patriot Festival 2016

September 12 Press Release: 20-15 MCAS Yuma Marines Rescue Lost Hunter

June 24 Press Release: 19-15 MCAS Yuma Conducting Closed Airfield Operations

May 25 Press Release: 18-15 MCAS Yuma Marines Rescue Stranded Hiker

April 21 Press Release: 17-15 Military vehicle incident one Marine fatality one Marine injured

April 16 Media Advisory: 16-15 MCAS Yuma's Ride for Sexual Assault Awareness and Response

April 11 Media Advisory: 15-15 WTI Conducts HA/DR at Kawanis Park

April 10 Media Advisory: 14-15 MCAS Yuma SAR Team Provides Medevac

April 6 Press Release: 13-15 Fuel Truck Trailer Struck by Train

March 30 Media Advisory: 12-15 CADC Burn

March 17 Media Advisory: 11-15 Procession of Lance Cpl. DuBeau's Body

March 13 Press Release: 10-15 UPDATE Civilian aircraft crash one Marine fatality aboard MCAS Yuma    (PICTURE)

March 11 Press Release: 9-15 Civilian aircraft crash one Marine fatality aboard MCAS Yuma

February 9 Press Release: 8-15 MCAS Yuma Marines Provide Medevac

February 4 Press Release: 7-15 MCAS Yuma Marines Provide Medevac

January 26 Media Advisory: 6-15 MCAS Yuma Extended Airfield Hours

January 26 Media Advisory: 5-15 Fat Albert Visits MCAS Yuma

January 22 Media Advisory: 4-15 MCAS Yuma Conducting Closed Airfield Operations

January 21 Press Release: 3-15 MCAS Yuma Marines Rescue Stranded Man

January 19 Press Release:  2-15 MCAS Yuma Marines Rescue Stranded Couple

January 8 Press Release: 1-15 MCAS Yuma Marines Provide Medevac
Dec. 30: 37-13 MCAS Yuma to hold public tour, Jan. 14

Nov. 5: 35-13 Marines celebrate 238 years, uniform pageant and cake cutting ceremony

Oct. 30: 34-13 Commissary Hosts Vietnam Vets

Oct. 29: 33-13 MWSS-371 to Host Colors Ceremony for Military Veterans

Oct. 18: 32-13 - 21 Gun Salute scheduled for Memorial Service, Oct 19

Oct. 16: 31-13 WTI Marines to hold humanitarian aid exercise in Yuma

Sept. 30: 30-13 Yuma Response to Govt. Shutdown

Sept. 17: 29-13 Emergency Response Exercise

Sept. 10: 28-13 Secretary of Education to Visit MCAS Yuma

Aug 2: 26-13 VMA-211 Marines Receives Purple Hearts

July 2: 25-13 VMA 513 Set to Stand Down

June 9: 24-13 MCAS Yuma Marines Rescue Stranded Hiker

June 6: 23-13 Officers Spouses Club Awards Announced
OSC 2013 Philanthropy and Scholarship Photo

May 31: 22-13 VMA-513 Homecoming

May 21: 21-13 Harrier, F-35 Group Commander departs, welcomes McPhillips

May 14: 20-13 MCAS Yuma to welcome new station sergeant major

May 7: 19-13 Over 250 children to complete Intro to Devil Dogs 101

April 26: 18-13 Yuma Marines „Take a Stand‟ Bike Ride against Sexual Assault

April 11: 17-13 WTI Marines to Hold HADR in Yuma

April 5: 16-13 Marines Conducting after hours flight training during WTI

March 21: 15-13 VMFA 121 F35B First Vertical Landing in Yuma
130321_Smith_F-35 STOVL
130321_Smith_F-35 STOVL 2

March 13: 14-13 LT Dan Band returns to MCAS Yuma

March 11: 13-13 MCAS Yuma Air Show a hit despite lower attendance

March 3: 12-13 51st MCAS Yuma Air Show childrens expo and media day

March 3: 11-13 Yuma Marines to host Fire Hose 5k Challenge, Open to Public

Feb. 24: 10-13 Exercise Desert Impact Feb 2013

Feb. 24: 09-13 Sec Def Community Drug Awareness Award


Feb. 24: 08-13 New and Improved MCAS Yuma Website Launch

Feb. 21: 07-13 VMFA 121 F35B First Flight in Yuma

Feb. 19: 06-13 USMC Battle Color Detachment

Feb. 6: 05-13 MCAS Yuma Air Show Performer and Display Details

Feb. 1: 04-13 MCAS Yuma Public Tour number 2

Jan. 24: 03-13 MCAS Yuma offering 2012 Tax Return Services

Jan. 24: 02-13 HQMC Statement on Women Serving in Combat Roles

Jan. 11: 01-13 2013 Air Station Public Tours
Marine Corps Air Station Yuma