The Goal of Facilities Management is to provide continuous support to the activities on the Air Station. Maintain the facilities, roads, airfield, ranges and utilities to the highest standards possible while providing quality work, timely responses and customer satisfaction. To develop long range plans for future growth of the Air Station and to ensure the mission is not compromised.
The Facilities Management Department is located In Building 888 on O'Neill Street, West of the North Gate Entrance to MCAS Yuma.
Procedures for submitting work orders to Facilities Management are as follows: •Work Orders must be submitted in writing to the Facilities Management Department Customer Service Desk using NAVFAC9-11014/20 Rev 2-68 •Work Orders must be signed by the activity S-4, CO or XO. •Work Orders must clearly state the problem not the solution. •Customer must state the priority of the work to be accomplished. Priorities are: (1) Safety, (2) Operations, (3) Security, (4) Other. For priorities 1, 2, 3 the work request must contain proper documentation justifying the work. •Customer should attach any drawings for clarity of job. •Facilities Management will review the work order upon receipt for completeness and verification of priority. •Work Orders will be assigned to appropriate Facilities Management personnel for action. •Customer must allow a minimum of 10 working days for work orders to be processed. Status of work orders can be obtained from the Customer Service Desk extension 2222.
Purpose: To establish procedures for requesting, reviewing, and approving utility outages, road closures, and digging permits aboard the Marine Corps Air Station, Yuma. This pertains to water, gas, air, electrical high voltage, pneumatic, air conditioning, heating services, sewage and communications. No digging, utility outage, or road closure will be put into effect without this request. Definition: •Digging: Any Breaking up, turning over or removal of earth, sand, asphalt or concrete with tools, equipment or by hand. •Road Closure: The blocking or preventing of traffic flow on any road aboard MCAS Yuma. •Outage: The interruption of water, gas, air, pneumatic, air conditioning, heating services, sewage and communications for any length of time. Procedure: This procedure consists of five parts: request, review, tenant notification, approval, and responsibility. The procedure is initiated when the requestor submits the proper form to the Facilities Management Department (FMD) Customer Service Desk. Any Government representative may submit a request. All requests are submitted to building 888, Customer Service Desk. Requests require 15 calendar days to complete from date submitted. FMD Maintenance Division will take necessary action and return a signed copy to the requestor, maintaining a signed copy at the Customer Service Desk. Proper procedures and Form are outlined in Station Order 11300.7 Ch. 2 for Digging Permits, Road Closures and Utility Outage