Our Drug Demand Reduction Program (DDRP) has been the recipient of the Secretary of Defense Community Drug Awareness Award for 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2016. The DDRP is designed to educate Marines about the dangers and consequences of illegal drug use, including abuse and misuse of prescription and over-the-counter medications. To accomplish this mission, different elements are utilized such as: aggressive and frequent urinalysis testing program, special training for Unit Substance Abuse Control Officers (SACOs), educational briefings to commands, and special promotions/activities in conjunction with national events such as Red Ribbon Week and National Drugs and Alcohol Facts Week.
To register for any of the briefings/trainings provided by the DDRP, you may contact your Unit SACO, call the DDRC at (928) 269-2791 or register online.