

Marine Corps Air Station Yuma
Yuma, Arizona

Helping you take care of the Marine Corps most valued asset: THE MARINE.
Equal opportunity is leadership not sensitivity! Not all issues are EO issues, but all EO issues are leadership issues.
Equal opportunity is everyone’s responsibility. Anyone who witnesses an act of discrimination has a responsibility to address, correct or report the inappropriate behavior immediately.


Gunnery Sergeant Cory R. Albert 

Equal Opportunity Advisor
Marine Corps Air Station Yuma
Comm: 928-269-2529
DSN: 269-2529

Cell: 928-509-9285
Office of the Station Inspector
Bldg 1030

Discrimination is the illegal treatment of a person or group based on age, color, gender, race, religion, or national origin. Discrimination also includes persons condoning, ignoring, or failing to correct negative and hostile working environments, where one or more of the discriminatory factors mentioned above is present, during the performance of their duties. All forms of discrimination, such as racism, sexism, and religious intolerance, can occur not just through the acts of individuals, but within the systems, policies, and procedures of an organization. Such unacceptable conduct, if uncorrected, will eventually poison a unit's cohesion and morale.

Characteristics of Discrimination and Examples

  • Overt-Sign on the door of a male only club that says no opposite gender allowed.
  • Covert- Banks or other financial institutions which red-line certain areas for personal or business loans.
  • Direct- Acts of sexual harassment targeted at men or women in the workplace.
  • Indirect- Placing a specific (and unnecessary) requirement for a job or a position that would eliminate individuals or groups based on the protected categories.
  • Intentional- Using discriminatory/ethnic or racial slurs.
  • Unintentional- Designing and manufacturing weapons to be fired or operated from the right side.

Prevention of Discrimination

1. Being proactive and ensuring that all EO complaints are thoroughly investigated. Addressing incidents of discrimination as quickly as possible.

2. Publicizing Marine Corps and local command EO policy. Stressing leadership accountability and emphasizing teamwork. Stating that discrimination in any form is adverse to mission accomplishment and will not be tolerated in the unit.

3. Ensuring all Marines are aware of the avenues of filing an EO complaint, and actions that will be taken against personnel in substaintiated cases.

4. Setting the example by knowing what sexual harassment is and refusing to condone it.


  • Know yourself and seek self improvement
  • Develop a sense of responsibility among your subordinates
  • Make sound and timely decision
  • Set the example
  • Know your Marines and look out for their welfare
  • Keep your Marines informed
  • Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.
  • Train your Marines as a TEAM
  • Employ your command in accordance with its capabilities

The motto of the Great Seal of the United States reads, " E Pluribus Unum," Out of Many, One. Just as our Nation was formed from many people, a commander must form one cohesive unit from many individuals.

Sexual Harassment: A form of discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

  • Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a person's job, pay, career, or
  • Submission to or rejection of such conduct by a person is used as a basis for career or employment decisions affecting that person or
  • Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

This definition emphasizes that workplace conduct, to be actionable as abusive work environment, harassment need not result in concrete psychological harm to the victim, but rather need only be so severe or pervasive that a reasonable person would perceive and the victim does perceive the work environment as hostile or abusive.

..."Additionally, officers and enlisted personnel of the Navy or Marine corps will be processed for administrative separation on the first substantiated incident of sexual harassment involving any of the following circumstances: (An incident is considered substantiated if there is a courts-martial conviction or the commanding officer determines sexual harassment has occurred)

1. Actions, threats, or attempts to influence another's career or job for sexual favors; or

2. Physical contact of a sexual nature, which if charged as a violation of the UCMJ, could result in a punitive discharge


Examples of Sexual Harassment 

Verbal Sexual Harassment Non-Verbal Sexual Harassment
Whistling or Cat Calls Unwanted attention to the body
Sexual comments about clothing,
body, activities
Displaying Sexual Visual
Personal sexual questions Item depicting sexual parts
Telling jokes or stories Sexually suggestive gestures
Turning discussions into sexual topics.  

 Note: For full order, see: MCO 5345.1F w/ Admin ch

Office of the Station Inspector
Bldg. 1030
Office: (928) 269-2529
DSN: 269-2529

MCI West Command Inspector General
Office: (760) 725-5112
Fax: (760) 725-5776
Hotline: (760) 725-5144
DSN: 365

Office: (760) 725-5742
Cell: (760) 468 3002

Informal Resolution System

An informal complaint is any complaint or allegation of discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnic background, religion, gender, age, national origin or any other form of discrimination, to include sexual harassment which are not criminal in nature. Depending on the severity of the behavior, the CO can recommend that the individuals involved attempt to use the Informal Resolution System to resolve their conflict.


Personnel should always consider using the informal method whenever possible as this is the most expeditious mean to attempt resolution and restore the trust necessary for unit cohesion.


The Informal Resolution System works in the following manner:


a. Direct Approach - By either approaching the offending party in person tactfully pinpointing the behavior that is offending, asking the person to cease the behavior or in writing.


b. Informal Third Party - Requesting assistance from another person to intervene on your behalf to help resolve the conflict. This person is normally a friend, co-worker, command EO representative or EO Advisor.


*It is important to note that if the complainant chooses to request assistance from someone outside of his/her immediate chain of command, this should not be adversely looked upon as “jumping the chain of command.” There are numerous reasons why someone would venture outside of their chain of command when requesting assistance with an EO complaint (i.e. the alleged offender is in their immediate chain of command, desire to have an impartial “outsider’s” opinion, the “old” chain of command did not address the issue when brought before them).


c. Training Information Resources (TIR) - Request training or resource materials for presentation to the work place in the areas of discrimination, harassment or inappropriate behavior. These materials are a good method of communicating to offending persons in the workplace, in a non-threatening way, that the behavior is inappropriate. The TIR includes videos, books, lesson plans, posters and other materials. You can request TIR from your local Equal Opportunity Advisor.



Anyone receiving a formal complaint must forward the complaint immediately to the commander. There are several avenues used to seek formal redress. The most effective avenue to use will depend on the circumstance surrounding the situation and personnel involved. Selection of the avenue to use will be decided by the complaint. 


a. Request Mast - This is the preferred method for an individual to file a complaint of discrimination with any CO in the Chain of Command up to the individuals' Commanding General. The request mast will normally be conducted within one working day, but no later that three working days, after the initial submission. MCO 1700.23F, Request Mast, provides specific guidance for Request Mast procedures. 


b. Article 138, UCMJ Complaint - An individual who alleges wrong(s) committed by their Commanding Officer may file a formal complaint under Article 138, UCMJ. Commanders should consult with the Staff Judge Advocate (SJA) when processing a complaint under Article 138. 


c. Article 1150, Redress of Wrong(s) Committed by a Superior - An individual may also file a complaint against any other superior, in rank or command, who the individual believes committed a wrongdoing (U.S. Navy Regulations, Article 1150). Commanders should consult with the SJA when processing a complaint under Article 1150. 


d. Communication with Inspector General - As an alternative to the normal chain of command, military or civilian personnel may lodge complaints and provide facts to the local Command Inspector. Complaints may be lodged with representatives of the Deputy Navy Inspector General or to representative of the Deputy Naval Inspector General for Marine Corps Matters/Inspector General of the Marine Corps (DNIGMC), DSN 224-1348/1349 or commercial (703) 614-1348/1349, concerning violations of laws, rules, and regulations; abuse of authority; or misconduct. MCI West Command IG is (760) 725-5112 or Hotline (760) 725-5144.


e. Individual Communication with Congress - Individuals may write a personal letter to members of Congress at anytime concerning EO issues.


It is the responsibility of the Commanding Officer of the alleged offender to conduct a thorough investigation and take appropriate action. It is the responsibility of the command in which the complaint was received to ensure a Discrimination and Sexual Harassment (DASH) report it initiated.


Complaint Timelines


The following established timelines will be adhered to when conducting investigations into formal allegations of discrimination or sexual harassment in accordance with MCO 5344.1F


a. All formal complaints should be filed within 60 days of the alleged incident occurring by the person making the allegation.


b. Within 3 working days or 72 hours of a Commander receiving a formal complaint or notification of a formal complaint, the command must: appoint an investigating officer (IO) in writing, inform the complainant an investigation has commenced and notify the next higher in the chain of command with General Court Martial Convening Authority that an investigation has commenced.


c. Within 14 calendar days of commencing the investigation, the IO will have his or her investigation complete, to include a Staff Judge Advocates Review and an Equal Opportunity Advisors review. If the investigation and required reviews are not completed within 14 days, the command will submit a written request for extension from the Commanding General with GCMA.


d. The commander has 6 days upon completion of the investigation and review to forward a finally written report containing the result of the investigation, as well as any actions taken, to the next superior officer in the chain of command with GCMA. The report will include a statement from the complaint that indicated their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the resolution. Within 20 calendar days of commencing the investigation, the complaint must be resolved. Resolution includes completion of the investigation, determination of validity of the charges (substantiated or unsubstantiated). Throughout the investigation, updates (feedback) will be provided to the complainant every 14 days.


e. On day 20 (since the complaint was lodged), an initial Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Report (DASH) will be sent to CMC (MPE) via the commands Equal Opportunity Advisor.


f. Only one extension (maximum of 30 days) is allowed and must be approved by the unit's immediate Commanding General. This authority will not be abdicated.


g. Upon final resolution of the complaint, a complete DASH Report must be submitted to the CMC (MPE) with the case disposition/resolution via the commands EOA.


Complaint Procedures Reference: MCO 5344.1F


Defense Equal Opportunity Command Survey (DEOCS) was designed by Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) to assess the EO climate of a unit. Since only the requesting commander will see the results of the survey, this is a good tool for Commander's to assess the EO climate in their units and take corrective actions where necessary. The results also gives the commander an overall comparison of other Marine Corps unit's that have taken the survey.

Commanders are required to assess their command EO climate with 90 days of assumption of command, and ensure proactive strategies are initiated to monitor progress if needed.

Commands that have been assess within 90 days of a new Commander's arrival are not required to be reassessed.

Rapid command response to EO issues must be visible to all members of the unit. The absence of a visible response can result in increased apprehension and polarization. No incident having an effect on EO can be overlooked or discounted, regardless of how insignificant or limited its involvement may appear on the surface. Every incident should be addressed and if necessary recorded and reported through the chain of command for resolution.

Title Document
Request Mast Procedures NAVMCDIR1700.23F
Personnel Claims Act            Personnel Claims Act
Fraud, Waste, And Abuse Hotline Station Order  StaO 5040.5B
MCAS Yuma Command Inspection Program (CIP) Station Order StaO 5040.3F
2014 CMC White Letter 3-14  ''Diversity Task Force Initiative''  CMC White Letter--Diversity Task Force Initiative
Commander's EO Handbook  Commander's EO Handbook
The Complaint Process for Formal & Informal / EO Flowchart  EO Flowchart
ARC Calendar  ARC Calendar
MC Procedures for Processing of Discrimination
& Sexual Harassment Complaints for Military Personnel (Poster)
 NAVMC 2921

Accommodation of Religious Practices
SECNAVINST 1730.8B--Religious Accommodation
MCAS Yuma Hazing Policy Statement MCAS YUMA Hazing Policy Statement
Marine Corps Air Station Yuma