WEBVTT 00:04.159 --> 00:08.130 How do you land an F-35 on a 36 ft 00:08.140 --> 00:11.960 wide road ? How do we look at a 00:11.970 --> 00:14.192 piece of ground and know that it's safe 00:14.192 --> 00:17.899 for it to land ? How do we prepare that 00:17.909 --> 00:20.149 site ? How long does it take to prepare 00:20.159 --> 00:22.270 that site for an F-35 to land there ? 00:22.889 --> 00:25.111 What are the things that you need to do 00:25.111 --> 00:27.430 to land an F-35 safely without running 00:27.440 --> 00:30.329 off the edge of it ? What are the tools 00:30.340 --> 00:32.470 that I need to bring and how loud we 00:32.479 --> 00:34.720 are and how quick we are slow we are 00:34.959 --> 00:37.181 and how large of a footprint we leave ? 00:38.439 --> 00:41.259 Typically runways are 102 100 ft wide . 00:41.270 --> 00:43.381 Some people would think that it's not 00:43.381 --> 00:45.492 designed to land on a narrow runway . 00:46.349 --> 00:48.529 We reject that concept and we think 00:48.540 --> 00:50.762 that we can use what we know to be true 00:50.762 --> 00:54.040 as marines to make those systems more 00:54.049 --> 00:54.639 rugged 01:31.120 --> 01:34.800 of city in Iceberg is BMX . One's 01:34.809 --> 01:37.330 experimentation surrounding the tactics , 01:37.339 --> 01:39.006 techniques and procedures for 01:39.006 --> 01:41.228 expeditionary advanced based operations 01:41.228 --> 01:43.228 or E ABO . Specifically , the three 01:43.228 --> 01:47.139 levels of Ebo node spoke and hub 01:47.150 --> 01:49.940 were concerned with the node in 01:49.949 --> 01:52.099 Obsidian Iceberg . So a lot of people 01:52.110 --> 01:55.919 talk about E Abo and being agile and 01:55.930 --> 01:58.069 expeditionary BMX , one uses obsidian 01:58.080 --> 02:00.080 iceberg to figure out actually . No 02:00.080 --> 02:01.900 kidding how to do Nodal Ebo . 02:04.110 --> 02:06.277 There's not exactly one definition for 02:06.277 --> 02:08.443 what a note , not A B it's going to be 02:08.443 --> 02:10.610 up to what the commander needs at that 02:10.610 --> 02:12.554 time , but essentially a node is a 02:12.554 --> 02:14.499 temporal thing . And so it doesn't 02:14.499 --> 02:16.721 exist permanently , it essentially pops 02:16.721 --> 02:19.940 up and then provides a service for a no 02:20.399 --> 02:23.320 think of aircraft landing in a Ford 02:23.330 --> 02:26.020 environment with no external support , 02:26.029 --> 02:28.085 with little to no external support . 02:28.139 --> 02:30.320 Pacific Coast Highway where we land at 02:30.330 --> 02:33.270 the F-35 , same scenario just in a Ford 02:33.279 --> 02:35.112 environment . So we don't have a 02:35.112 --> 02:37.279 logistics footprint to operate from no 02:37.279 --> 02:38.946 supply system , limited to no 02:38.946 --> 02:42.320 connectivity , operate effectively in a 02:42.330 --> 02:43.830 comps denied environment . 02:51.309 --> 02:53.649 The Marine Corps capability to operate 02:53.660 --> 02:56.940 at a node really extends our range and 02:56.949 --> 02:58.949 our ability to operate deeper into 03:00.190 --> 03:02.357 whatever space we're trying to operate 03:02.357 --> 03:02.039 in . 03:06.839 --> 03:09.061 Uh So I was designated as the one who's 03:09.061 --> 03:11.117 going to land the F-35 and conduct a 03:11.117 --> 03:13.229 rolling vertical landing to uh what's 03:13.240 --> 03:15.184 referred to as V 101 , which is an 03:15.184 --> 03:17.351 improved portion of highway of the old 03:17.351 --> 03:19.407 uh Pacific Coast Highway on the west 03:19.407 --> 03:21.573 coast of California , about 758 100 ft 03:21.580 --> 03:24.130 from the beach . This was actually the 03:24.139 --> 03:26.410 first time that an F-35 has ever been 03:26.419 --> 03:29.369 landed to a road or a field that narrow . 03:30.179 --> 03:32.710 The highway is 51 ft wide and the F-35 03:32.720 --> 03:34.887 has a 35 ft wingspan . So we had about 03:34.887 --> 03:37.110 7.5 ft on either side before there were 03:37.119 --> 03:39.119 bushes next to the highway that the 03:39.119 --> 03:42.190 wingtips may impact in preparation for 03:42.199 --> 03:45.309 it . We did actually relatively little 03:45.320 --> 03:47.539 thanks to the systems , the systems of 03:47.550 --> 03:49.606 the airplane doing a lot of what are 03:49.606 --> 03:51.550 referred to as pilot relief mode . 03:53.570 --> 03:56.639 When I landed on stove , 11 came to a 03:56.649 --> 03:59.410 stop in about 1000 ft on that 3000 ft 03:59.419 --> 04:02.320 road and got some ground control in 04:02.330 --> 04:04.552 order to turn me around so that I could 04:04.552 --> 04:06.774 make that tight turn and be able to get 04:06.774 --> 04:08.889 the jet turned around . Uh When I got 04:08.899 --> 04:10.955 there , I opened my weapon doors and 04:10.955 --> 04:12.955 shut down . And then , uh the first 04:12.955 --> 04:15.010 thing we did was we conducted a cold 04:15.010 --> 04:17.519 reload of uh eight by small diameter 04:17.529 --> 04:19.585 bomb two or S DB two is how we would 04:19.585 --> 04:20.585 refer to it . 04:24.630 --> 04:26.839 The small diameter bomb two offers 04:26.850 --> 04:28.640 unique capability of the F-35 04:28.679 --> 04:30.839 specifically because it's the first 04:30.850 --> 04:33.029 long range motor ammunition that the 04:33.040 --> 04:35.929 Navy Marine Corps or Air Force has with 04:35.940 --> 04:39.589 the JSM program . So this 04:39.600 --> 04:41.656 significantly increases our range of 04:41.656 --> 04:45.609 lethality . A poor environment when 04:45.619 --> 04:48.410 you take a look at the MB 22 and you 04:48.420 --> 04:50.609 realize that the inside cargo space 04:50.619 --> 04:53.320 allows near double if not more of the 04:53.329 --> 04:55.970 capacity that we can carry in order to 04:55.980 --> 04:58.750 strike those targets as well as stay on 04:58.760 --> 05:00.871 station for a longer period of time . 05:01.720 --> 05:04.869 We had bombs and missiles for the 05:04.880 --> 05:07.649 F-35 . And the payload that we were 05:07.660 --> 05:10.239 able to provide for the F-35 was 05:10.250 --> 05:12.910 essentially a full arsenal to really 05:12.920 --> 05:16.640 maximize the capabilities of the F-35 . 05:16.649 --> 05:18.482 And we were able to do that in a 05:18.482 --> 05:20.929 significantly short period of time . 05:22.260 --> 05:26.149 We also loaded two a 120 a ram radar 05:26.160 --> 05:28.670 guided medium range missiles . So we 05:28.679 --> 05:30.901 loaded the jet with eight stand off air 05:30.901 --> 05:32.957 to ground weapons and two air to air 05:32.957 --> 05:35.068 weapons in a stealthy configuration . 05:38.100 --> 05:39.933 Once we completed that , Captain 05:39.933 --> 05:42.309 Slaughter actually conducted the 05:42.320 --> 05:44.459 refueling operation himself again , 05:44.470 --> 05:46.581 trying to focus on . There's a lot of 05:46.581 --> 05:48.692 people that need to be there , but we 05:48.692 --> 05:50.748 try to pare down to as few people as 05:50.748 --> 05:52.581 absolutely have to be there . So 05:52.581 --> 05:54.803 everyone is a multi mission marine when 05:54.803 --> 05:56.914 we're out there . So pilots assisting 05:56.914 --> 05:58.692 in the rearming , refueling and 05:58.692 --> 06:01.640 execution of the E A is a pretty , a 06:01.649 --> 06:04.809 pretty important aspect of this . So 06:04.820 --> 06:07.065 the benefit of setting up a node or no 06:07.075 --> 06:10.924 operations that we can rearm and refuel 06:10.934 --> 06:14.274 F-35s , it allows us to 06:14.285 --> 06:17.795 quickly extend our operations inside 06:17.804 --> 06:20.875 the weapons engagement zone of a near 06:20.885 --> 06:24.674 peer adversary quickly and consistently 06:24.704 --> 06:28.404 as well as arming and refueling navy 06:28.415 --> 06:31.820 operations for anti 06:31.829 --> 06:34.359 submarine warfare . So the combination 06:34.369 --> 06:37.820 of those puts our adversaries assets , 06:37.829 --> 06:40.519 whether they be air service or sub 06:40.529 --> 06:43.450 surface all at risk within their 06:43.459 --> 06:46.230 weapons engagement zone . Uh The hard 06:46.239 --> 06:48.850 part about um working inside of the , 06:49.480 --> 06:53.260 the wear the weapons engagement zone is 06:53.269 --> 06:56.649 is getting inside that zone because as 06:56.660 --> 06:59.010 you fight an adversary , there is 06:59.019 --> 07:01.029 always a match between how big the 07:01.040 --> 07:02.929 shield is that I have in order to 07:02.929 --> 07:04.929 mitigate the threat and how big the 07:04.929 --> 07:07.096 sword is that I have in order to reach 07:07.096 --> 07:08.596 out and engage the enemy . 07:20.799 --> 07:24.540 Ok . Naval integration has 07:24.549 --> 07:27.420 always been important . Bye . The 07:27.429 --> 07:29.470 Marine Corps specifically can bring 07:29.480 --> 07:31.536 capabilities to the fight because we 07:31.536 --> 07:34.149 are accustomed to operating in austere 07:34.160 --> 07:36.540 expeditionary environments . And the 07:36.549 --> 07:38.980 navy historically is extremely 07:38.989 --> 07:41.339 effective operating shipboard and we've 07:41.350 --> 07:43.510 cross trained somewhat in the past . 07:43.940 --> 07:46.162 But the next flight is going to require 07:46.162 --> 07:47.884 significant cross training and 07:47.884 --> 07:50.107 integration . Like we haven't been able 07:50.107 --> 07:52.910 to do before the capabilities for anti 07:52.920 --> 07:54.920 submarine warfare that the navy has 07:54.920 --> 07:56.976 established . We have a lot to learn 07:56.976 --> 07:59.198 from . And so what we're recognizing is 07:59.198 --> 08:01.198 the Marine Corps is going to play a 08:01.198 --> 08:03.309 large role in mitigating the undersea 08:03.309 --> 08:05.420 threat in the Pacific , for example , 08:05.420 --> 08:07.450 our V 22 capability . And so we are 08:07.459 --> 08:10.040 learning a lot from helicopter weapons 08:10.049 --> 08:13.149 school , Pacific HSM WSP and , 08:13.959 --> 08:15.848 and the P A community as well and 08:15.848 --> 08:17.959 learning how to move around torpedoes 08:17.959 --> 08:20.015 of the battle space use sona buoys , 08:20.015 --> 08:22.070 apply those tactics , techniques and 08:22.070 --> 08:24.126 procedures that the navy has already 08:24.126 --> 08:26.292 developed and incorporating those into 08:26.292 --> 08:28.348 our platforms in order to again hold 08:28.348 --> 08:31.399 the enemy submarines at risk . So this 08:31.410 --> 08:34.539 specifically we were looking to load 08:34.609 --> 08:38.059 mark 46 torpedoes on a navy M 60 Romeo 08:38.070 --> 08:40.237 helicopter that was carried there by A 08:40.237 --> 08:42.739 V 22 . Also refueled that Mh 60 Romeo 08:42.750 --> 08:43.780 and our Hueys . 08:53.770 --> 08:56.140 It's been great working with BMX one , 08:56.150 --> 08:58.150 the operational test and evaluation 08:58.150 --> 09:00.299 squadron over in Yuma and Mats one , 09:00.429 --> 09:03.750 the Marine Corps weapons school . We've 09:03.760 --> 09:05.816 done several iterations of exercises 09:05.816 --> 09:07.927 with them and every time it's built , 09:07.927 --> 09:09.927 the Navy Marine Corps camaraderie a 09:09.927 --> 09:10.927 little bit more 09:14.760 --> 09:16.909 really gonna have to leverage the 09:16.919 --> 09:19.909 operations that we have with the Navy , 09:19.919 --> 09:21.475 especially when you look at 09:21.475 --> 09:23.700 expeditionary advanced base operations 09:23.710 --> 09:25.932 and what we're going to do at the , for 09:25.932 --> 09:28.820 instance , with the MB 22 you look at 09:28.830 --> 09:32.080 it previously and how Mh six 09:32.270 --> 09:35.280 Romeo Sierra , the case may be and how 09:35.289 --> 09:37.345 they're going to have to move in and 09:37.345 --> 09:39.233 out of the battle space away from 09:39.233 --> 09:41.233 carriers or their home ship . We're 09:41.233 --> 09:43.178 going to be able to provide a long 09:43.178 --> 09:45.233 range distance as well as be able to 09:45.233 --> 09:47.909 carry a significant amount of payload 09:47.919 --> 09:50.510 to provide for both , not only navy 09:50.520 --> 09:52.770 aircraft but also marine aircraft as 09:52.780 --> 09:53.780 well . 10:02.030 --> 10:04.197 This sort of thing is exactly the kind 10:04.197 --> 10:06.197 of thing that we need to be doing . 10:06.197 --> 10:08.197 We're glad that the Marine Corps is 10:08.197 --> 10:10.849 taking the initiative on so many future 10:10.859 --> 10:14.489 flight capabilities and the more that 10:14.500 --> 10:16.667 the Navy gets integrated , the more we 10:16.667 --> 10:19.349 also are turning towards the new 10:19.359 --> 10:21.470 concept of warfare . So we appreciate 10:21.470 --> 10:23.637 that the Marine Corps is able to shift 10:23.637 --> 10:25.950 its focus and shift its , its drumbeat 10:25.960 --> 10:26.960 so quickly . 10:29.650 --> 10:31.760 So happy to be involved in looking 10:31.770 --> 10:33.714 forward to more integration in the 10:33.714 --> 10:33.049 future . 10:51.950 --> 10:54.061 Overall , I would say that was a huge 10:54.061 --> 10:55.783 success . What we were able to 10:55.783 --> 10:58.190 accomplish and data that was recorded 10:58.219 --> 11:00.340 is information that is going to be 11:00.349 --> 11:02.630 critical in the next several years . 11:02.640 --> 11:04.696 And as the Marine Corps continues to 11:04.696 --> 11:04.590 evolve , 11:08.929 --> 11:11.262 as with most things they say , you know , 11:11.262 --> 11:13.429 it's not the strongest that survived , 11:13.429 --> 11:15.540 but that , which is most adaptable to 11:15.540 --> 11:17.651 change . And that is probably nowhere 11:17.651 --> 11:20.179 more true than it comes to looking out 11:20.190 --> 11:22.301 into the Pacific and how we can fight 11:22.301 --> 11:24.634 that fight and maintain security of our , 11:24.634 --> 11:26.079 of our nation's borders . 11:28.460 --> 11:30.489 We all see that this is the kind of 11:31.429 --> 11:33.429 capability that's going to make the 11:33.429 --> 11:36.359 difference in a future conflict . And I 11:36.880 --> 11:39.659 have been a marine for 19 , almost 20 11:39.669 --> 11:42.419 years and I have never been more proud 11:42.429 --> 11:45.469 to be a marine than in 2023 because 11:45.659 --> 11:47.826 it's very clear to me that our service 11:47.826 --> 11:50.500 is serious about addressing the issues 11:50.510 --> 11:52.400 of the next conflict before they 11:52.409 --> 11:54.409 actually come as opposed to looking 11:54.409 --> 11:56.631 backwards . And so I feel very lucky to 11:56.631 --> 11:59.049 be a part of this team . I'm excited to 11:59.059 --> 12:01.289 come to work pretty much every day and 12:01.299 --> 12:05.299 the Marines of VX one , they get it , 12:06.979 --> 12:08.923 the marines are fired up because I 12:08.923 --> 12:10.923 think that they can smell that what 12:10.923 --> 12:12.812 we're doing matters . And so it's 12:12.812 --> 12:12.619 really exciting to be a part of the 12:12.630 --> 12:15.219 team . And I just feel really lucky to 12:15.229 --> 12:17.285 be a marine and to work with all the 12:17.285 --> 12:19.340 great marines and sailors would be a 12:19.340 --> 12:19.169 nice one .